Snow Leopard in Himalaya
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There is a Snow Leopard in each of the below Image. The Big Cat just melts into its surrounding and so difficult to see it in the field.
Do find the Cat in the photos below and let me know how many photographs you can see it in out of 15?
Also, share this joy with your friends and family and challenge them with your score.
Join upcoming Snow Leopard Photography Expedition

1. This is what the Snow Leopard would do through the day. Sleep peacefully!

2. The Look Back!

3. That is the best way to disappear right in front of my eyes.

4. Sniffing around its scent.

5. One with the Rocks

6. The Jump up to disppear neatly! You can see the dust flying below.

7. Just sunning itself in the cold, harsh weather around.

8. Left - How the actual scene looks. Right - What the binoculars reveal. Good luck trying to figure out the 'right' on 'left'.
Hint : Use the rock shadow for reference.

9. Always staying low and using perfect rocks to blend in.

10. Descending down the near vertical cliff to get down in the gorge.

11. Following the trail in snow used by Ibexes earlier. But, staying away from snow. Can you see it?

12. The jump to reach up.

13. A Patient Snow Leopard is keenly watching an Ibex walk by the edge. The Ibex knows the presence of Shan around but also knows that an attack would be certain death as the deep gorge was all rocky.

14. Almost a part of a rock but with the rosettes.

15. The Mother kept her THREE cubs around and were seen sleeping peacefully through the day while it was snowing intensely. Can you see all 4 furballs?
Usual Photographs

16. Wait for it to get on the Snow.

17. A Perfect spot in the gaps of rocks to hide oneself before launching the attack on unsuspecting Ibex herd.

18. Just lazying around and also, rolling in sand to avoid its smell going to the Ibex Herd.

19. Finally, a walk in the snow where it can not hide itself and stands out in the stark contrast with white sheet.

20. The kingdom it rules is full of snow, rocks, lose moraine, frozen water streams and deep gorges. But, it rules it none the less.

21. The Headstand. It jumped off so easily to change its trail and as usual, assisted with long tail, landed perfectly.

22. Going up or down, no issues with the Cat as it can also jump up easily.

23. Surveying its habitat.

24. Just after urinating (look the wet rock behind) to mark its territorry, this female looked up straight into the camera.

25. Leaving you with this Captivating look that pierces directly into our hearts.